In the last post, I mentioned the Gartner’s magic quadrant as well as the competitive landscape of BI products. KDnuggets covers the data science & ML products in their article (https://bit.ly/2Pococi).
Some interesting observations:
1) KNIME & Mathworks increases their completeness of vision in the last 3 years. KDNuggets quotes KNIME “With a wealth of well-rounded functionality, KNIME maintains its reputation for being the market’s “Swiss Army knife.” Its for-free and open-source KNIME Analytics Platform covers 85% of critical capabilities, and KNIME’s vision and roadmap are as good as, or better than, those of most of its competitors.” and Mathworks “MathWorks has strengthened the coherence of the MATLAB platform for its engineering-focused audience by seamlessly integrating advanced functionality for the treatment of unconventional data sources (images, video and IoT data).”
2) Alteryx increases their ability to execute in the last 3 years. “Alteryx’s emphasis on making data science accessible to citizen data scientists and others across the end-to-end analytic pipeline is resonating in the market.”
3) IBM & SAS loses execution consistently.