Gartner’s magic quadrant is a well-known benchmark to check current competitive standing of a certain IT product. The report is released every year. Gartner maps the “ability to execute” on the y-axis and the “completeness of vision” on the x-axis. Then, they made 4 categories (a quadrant) based on their position, i.e.,
1) Leaders (High Y, High X);
2) Challengers (High Y, Low X),
3) Visionaries (Low Y, High X); and
4) Niche players (Low Y, Low X).
For the line of BI products, it is interesting to note:
1) Tableau & Microsoft (Power BI) stays on Leader quadrant for 6 years in a row. Interesting to learn what innovation or effort they made.
2) Microsoft left Tableau on X-axis because they pour their AI capabilities into Power BI’s analytics; something that Tableau currently does not have. But Tableau responds by making partnerships with AI companies such as Empirical Systems to enhance the analytics.
3) IBM is consistently losing execution ability despite their technological achievement. Interesting to know the lesson learned behind this.
If you want to explore more, the file is available in Tableau format (https://www.dropbox.com/s/h5cyx7wz82k8m75/Gartner%20BI%20Magic%20Quadrant%202013-2019.twbx?dl=0).